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Landlords who use the Property Hub Lets online agency are in for a change - in future, their properties will be managed by High Street branches.
The shift follows the acquisition of Property Hub Lets by the fast-growing Lomond Group of agencies.
Over 700 properties across Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Birmingham will transfer to Lomond and will no longer be managed online. Instead they will be integrated within the existing High Street branches of three of the Lomond Group’s major brands – Thornley Groves in Manchester and the North West; Linley & Simpson in Yorkshire; and John Shepherd in the Midlands.
Property Hub Lets is part of the London-headquartered Property Hub, founded by Rob Bence and Rob Dix, which has an online community of more than 60,000 property investors. It’s best-known for producing The Property Podcast, which tops 300,000 downloads a month.
Bence says: “When we started Property Hub Lets in 2014, we had the vision of creating the letting agency that we wanted as investors ourselves. It’s been an incredible journey with lots of ups and downs and plenty of learnings along the way. We now believe that the best way to fully realise that vision is for Property Hub Lets to become part of Lomond Group.
“The Property Hub Lets team will immediately benefit from Lomond Group’s established infrastructure and greater resources, and we’re confident that our clients will immediately experience and enhanced level of service. We will partner closely with Lomond Group to ensure that our Property Hub Invest clients continue to benefit from a seamless experience from purchase through to property management.”