maddison and Morgan solicitors

th street Acle, Norwich United Kingdom NR13 3DY
01493 778899

Forces Discount: free telephone consultation for upto 30 mins, this is not a short conversation to book you in for a chargable appointmnet we will actually try to identify your issues and give you some practical advice. If you instruct us you will benefit from a 15 % discount for the whole of your case, to conclusion from our standard fee rate which is currently £180 per hour with no vat to add. Fixed fees are available and discounts also apply to these.

Family law Solicitors deaing with , divorce,separation, child contact matters. Resolving financial issues to include property and pensions. We offer home visits, out of hours contact and weekend appointments. If you cannot get to visit us we can skype, face time email or phone. We can also with your authorisation and the consent of the court appear in your abscence to ensure that there are not delays in dealing with your matter because you cannot attend. We understand that confidentiality is important and any or all dealings with us are conducted so that only those that need to know do. We apreciate that standard child contact patterns are not going to work for you and we are used to working around this in a time tested way which has been adopted and approved by the courts.