
London London United Kingdom ----

Many thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this. I’m Sarah. If you’ve gotten this far, it means you’re curious about the kind of woman I am; what I’m like to be around; who I’m looking for. And the answer to that last question is, quite simply: You. You’re definitely not one of the interminable, swipe-right flyboys. Not to be impressed by the Insta-filter clones trying to cosplay their way into your affections and wallet, you, in total and welcome contrast, are the considered and considerate gentleman who looks for nothing less than absolute authenticity and genuine, unbounded connection. When we meet, you’ll find me poised, assured and playful; elegant, tender and feminine; and entirely focussed on you and your feelings. Trilingual, and university-educated, I recently launched my first start-up. This role is taking up a lot of time, so please plan in good time and book early in the day when possible.