110 Flemington St Glasgow United Kingdom G21 4TD
0141 375 1480

AutoPSI is a Quick, Precise, and User-Friendly software for thermal modelling your construction junctions in minutes, saving time for you and your team. Simple and Smart Thermal modelling tool for Construction Junctions. Using AutoPSI to merely model your thermal junctions can improve the default PSI value in your style. AutoPSI helps to eliminate the demand for expensive additions to pass the governing needs within component L of the Building Regulations. How it functions. We understand there are numerous factors to consider when you are developing your structure to meet the need for Building Regulations. Traditional thermal modelling software application can be complicated and lengthy while the defaults allowable can frequently have a detrimental effect on the cost of meeting the regulations. This is typically a challenge for Technical teams, House Builders, Architects and SAP assessors previously! FEATURES What makes AutoPSI so powerful? Unrivalled Speed Calculate PSI Values in mins Intuitive Interface Drag and go down Bridges and Layers Fully Customisable Custom Junction Builds Accuracy Meets self-accreditation in BRE 479 for 2D calculations Online Accessible anyhow, anytime. Collaborative Share layouts with your team and clients.