That's Okay

302 , Oulton Road North Lowestoft United Kingdom NR32 4QL

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We are That's Okay, an amazing initiative for the welfare of children. With our help, you can help your children know their emotions even better. Being a Children's mental health book author & Illustrator, we have produced a range of amazing Books & eBooks describing children's emotions in a really amazing way through colourful creatures. Through our illustrations of different creatures, your children can easily connect with it and realise what emotions they are going through. The goal is to help children understand that having emotions are okay, even if it's to be angry or sad. It also provides as a communication tool for parents, teachers and others who work with children. Children might find it very difficult to understand what they are feeling or why they are feeling in a particular manner. They might even get scared of their feelings that can affect their health in physical & Mental sense. Our wonderful books will help you and your children amazingly. How? You will be able to make them understand their feelings better with the help of our creative books and your children will learn better about their feelings through beautiful & Colourful creatures or cartoon illustrations that we have created specially for them. Let's help Children today with their emotions & feelings with our wonderful Books available in the form of Hard cover, Soft cover Books as well as eBooks. SHOP TODAY FOR BOOKS, eBOOKS, AS WELL AS CUTE STICKERS & T-SHIRTS FOR CHILDREN & WOMEN...