62 Henshall Rd, Bollington, Macclesfield Macclesfield United Kingdom SK10 5DN
07788 776558
I hand-make crystal products for people with a passion to bring my passion and knowledge to a wider audience. Vikki Gadd operates from My Therapy Treatment Centre and Crystal Shop is in the beautiful village of Bollington, Cheshire. However, we reach a much wider audience and can deliver our crystal products and crystal gifts sets throughout the country. Crystals are such a huge part of my life. They are my passion, my calling, my obsession and my job!
I’m also an Intuitive Energy Reader, a Crystal Whisperer and an Aromatherapist too and have been practising Crystal Therapy for over 22 years now. In my therapy sessions, I use my knowledge of crystals, expertise in meditation and in energy systems to intuitively read energy fields. Browse my products on my website, there are hundreds for you to check out!