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Nootropicology is a nootropics website devoted to sharing info concerning the science of nootropics, along with their practical uses. It's likewise a space for people that want to understand the benefits of nootropics and learn just how they work, what kind of effects they have, as well as exactly how they can be used for much better performance in everyday life. Nootropics is the term for the category of supplements that are supposed to enhance cognition, memory and also focus. In nootropics, the word "nootropic" has been derived from the Greek (meaning mind') and also (meaning 'blooming'). Nootropics are supplements that are supposed to improve cognition and also assist you achieve greater mental performance, without having any kind of side effects or addictive top qualities. Nootropics include such things as caffeine, piracetam, choline, modafinil, bacopa monnieri, vinpocetine, phenibut, ginkgo biloba as well as many others. There are many different substances and combinations of these substances that are being researched as well as studied in academic as well as scientific institutions throughout the world.