20 Woodrose Lodge Lupin Drive Chelmsford United Kingdom CM1 6FS
Forces Discount: AW Auto Services can proudly offer a 10% discount on all servicing and mechanical repairs to all military personnel.
We are a mobile mechanic specialist that operates in Witham and the surrounding Areas of Essex. We have been operating in the motor trade industry for over 14 years and have gained a number of different qualifications.
Auto Services work on most types of petrol & diesel, cars & vans and carry out all types of mechanical work, including: - Servicing, Brake & Clutch problems, non-starters, electrical issues and ECU diagnostics.
We are fully insured to drive your vehicle and can get to you within 24 hours or even the same day if required.
We are completely mobile with a fully equipped van, so we come to you to repair or service your vehicle - either at your home or work.